UST Golden Notes in Obligations and Contract 2011 Obligations and Contracts, 2000 ed, p. 50) Note: Under Art. 1170, NCC, the phrase "in any manner contravene the tenor" of the obligation includes any illicit act which impairs the strict and faithful fulfillment of the obligation, or every kind of defective performance. 76158462-UST-GN-2011-Civil-Law-Preliminaries 76159139-UST-GN-2011-Civil-Law-Proper 76159149-UST-GN-2011-Civil-Law-Index 76159162-UST-GN-2011-Civil-Law-Bibliography. JHCSC COLLEGE OF LAW. Skip to content. Home ← LAKAS ATENISTA CIVPRO (Rules 45, 55, 58, 64, 65 not included) GOLDEN NOTES TAX